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Eyecare Careers

wellness,Island Eyecare

Some of our favorite customers are children. They usually come in excited for the experience of undergoing an eye exam. It’s all so new and interesting. Moreover, there are few things more satisfying than having your sight corrected so you can see things clearly. Yes, the life of an optometrist is very rewarding. Often our […]

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Caring for Your Glasses and Contact Lenses

optometrist,Island Eyecare

In today’s fast-paced world people tend to look for quick solutions to many of the daily chores of life. This seems to be especially true of caring for your eyeglasses or contact lenses. Let’s start with a reminder of why this is important. First, eyeglasses and contact lenses are just like any type of prescription. […]

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AI and Ophthalmology

ophthalmology.Island Eyecare

The world of optometry and ophthalmology are changing many aspects of life at lightning speed. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence displayed by machines versus that of human capability. Its definition is actually much more complex and refers to devices that are able to perceive their environment and achieve a goal. It sounds like the […]

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A Cure for Blindness?

eyecare,Island Eyecare

There are many causes of blindness. It may be the result of an accident or it may be due to some form of progressive eye disease or it could be genetic. A small biotech firm has been in the process of developing a therapy for an infrequent type of blindness. The treatment is genetic-based and […]

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