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Workplace Vision Etiquette in Annapolis & Kent Island

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While you work, your eyes are working too. According to a Nielsen report, the average American worker spends more than 10 hours in front of a screen daily. Whether it’s on a computer or tablet or smart phone (or all three), screen time can ultimately cause eyes to fatigue faster. The more screen time, the more eye strain and related side effects.

Here are some tips to help your eyes get through the work day:
1. Optimize your work environment. Increase text size on your devices, positive your computer display to eye level, and consider computer glasses.
2. Be sure to keep your prescription up-to-date and consider lenses that are designed to reduce the impact of screens.
3. Always remember the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds to refocus your eyes.

Other harmful work-related eye risks include exposure to elements. In cases such as these, be sure to wear the correct eye protection to reduce exposure to dust, chemicals, or other objects. If you have concerns about how your daily work life could be negatively affecting your eye health, click here to contact the team at Island Eyecare today. And as always, be sure to stay on top of your annual exams!

Written by Island Eyecare

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